Adam Herout
prof. Ing. PhD.
Adam Herout is a full professor and the guarantor of the programme MIT-EN. His research interests include computer vision and its applications, mostly focused on surveillance and intelligent traffic systems. He is interested and trained in psychology and coaching. Besides computer vision, he enjoys teaching courses on development of mobile apps and user experience.
Jan Černocký
prof. Dr. Ing.
Jan "Honza" Cernocky (Ing. BUT 1993, Dr. Universite Paris XI Orsay and BUT 1998) is full professor and Head of the Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia. He also serves as managing director of BUT Speech@FIT research group. His research interests include artificial intelligence, signal processing and speech, speaker and language recognition. He is responsible for signal and speech processing courses. In 2006, he co-founded Phonexia. He was the General Chair of Interspeech 2021 in Brno.
Lukáš Burget
doc. Ing. PhD.
Lukáš Burget is an associate professor and principal researcher of BUT Speech@FIT research group. He is guarantor of courses Bayesian Models for Machine Learning, Machine Learning and Recognition and Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Lukáš Sekanina
prof. Ing. PhD.
Lukáš Sekanina is a full professor and the guarantor of the doctoral study programme at FIT. He is engaged in the research of bio-inspired artificial intelligence, especially genetic programming, and applications in the fields of automated design, approximation, and adaptation of hardware and software. In the master's study programme, he is responsible for the Bio-inspired Computers course.
Jan Kořenek
doc. Ing. PhD.
Jan Kořenek is an associate professor and deputy head of the Department of Computer Systems. His research interests include hardware acceleration, network security and network monitoring. Several successful spinoff companies have been founded to commercialize his research results. Besides network security and hardware acceleration, he enjoys teaching courses on digital design.